Weber Consulting Ltd.
Technology and Programming Services

Phone: 513.708.5740


NEWS! BarHopper is NOW A BOOK! (It has become the very thing it was originally written to replace, ironically, enough)

If you want the print/Kindle copy, you can find it here:

BArHopper Mixed Drink Recipe Book by Duffy Weber ©2017'

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Weber Consulting Proudly Presents:


Weber Consulting is pleased to announce BarHopper. BarHopper is a program that allows bartenders, trainees, or even home users to look up drink recipes in seconds... or less! It's also a great resource for pubs, restaurants, bars, or the local watering hole.

BarHopper contains over 1500 recipes, and you can also add, edit, and modify your own, assuring that you'll always be able to find that perfect recipe. You can search by the drink's name or ingredients:

In addition, BarHopper is available at a fraction of the cost of other commercial bartending packages, and we even have a demo version available! Check out our Ordering Page for info! While you're at it, why not relax with a delicious Margarita.


Questions? Click here to E-mail us!

Or you can Order Now for $14.95 ($12.95+$2.00 s/h)


Weber Consulting's ParrotHead Pages





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